October 31, 2008

Leaving the Big City

Today Brian and I are packing for our big move to El Hoyo, Argentina-- a rural area in Patagonia, at the foot of the Andes Mountains. We got involved with an organization called WWOOF last month,  that helps people find farms around the world that they'd like to volunteer on. The place we're are moving to is a 15 organic ha organic farm that sustains an herb garden, walnut orchard, fruit tree orchard, and some other ...things. The plan is to help the owners with their gardening, fruit harvesting, building, and cooking, while not forgetting to participate in the monthly circle dances. Yeah... I PROMISE to put up pictures as soon as I take them. Oh, and free Kool-Aid at these dances too, i guess. Awesome. 

Last friday was my last day at work, and it was pretty tough saying goodbye to my students. Some of them turned into friends that I just happened to get paid to hang out with, so leaving them was pretty tough. Two of my favorites let me borrow their tent and sleeping bag for my trip so i wouldn't have to buy one. Did i mention that I will be sleeping in a two person tent for 5 weeks? Brian is going to stay for 3 extra weeks, while I meet up with my brother in Chile for another big adventure. If all goes to plan Andrew and I going to Easter Island for 5 days, then trekking around Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay before meeting up with my family in Buenos Aires just before Christmas. All six Mazzottas are flying into BA for Holidays!! AHHHHH!! I can't wait. 

More to come. 

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