August 26, 2008

First Day of Work

I'm pretty sure that my first day at my new job will likely become an episode of some slap-stick sitcom. After an hour and a half commute to work, getting lost twice, I stopped into a little cafe to take the edge of an already stressful, sticky morning. After gobbling down three medialunas and a coffee I was informed that the restaurant i was at could not accept my 100 peso bill because it was too large, and did not take visa. With crumbs on my face and the caffeine finally circulating through my bloodstream, it dawned on me that this was a problem. After leaving the cafe without paying, and promising to return, i sped quickly down the little cobblestone street with three minutes to spare before my first english lesson. This is probably around the time that a painter, plastering a roof above the sidewalk, dropped his plaster from the roof onto the street. Luckily his plaster didn't land on the sidewalk--that would have been a mess. It landed on me. More specifically onto my new boots and pants. Perfect. Near tears, and already on the brink of quitting, I finally reached the building i needed. With no desk to hide my plastered-self behind, I met my first student, Ernesto... the producer of the FOX network for all of Argentina. Thank god he wasn't some big shot or something, that would have been embarrassing. So tomorrow's round two.. wish me luck. 

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